The neighbors of Guindalera once again responded to the call for solidarity! As far as we can tell, a formidable teamwork was formed, working as a chain and with good humor to move no more and no less than 142 boxes.

  • Thanks to the Madrid Football Federation for their donation of new sports equipment, which will help the youth of the camps to play sports and escape from their reality, which we consider essential.
  • Thanks to Julio el Botarga for the boxes of food he brought a few months ago.
  • Thanks to the people of Guinda Activa, for your energy and that youthfulness that, a little bit, is contagious.
  • Thanks to all the neighbors of La Guindalera! For all the donations of food and basic necessities.
  • Thanks to all the people who have come to the call and have helped to load all the material in the truck, you are great!
  • Thanks also to those who we know that you would have helped us, but because of the circumstances you could not.

  • Donation received from Rastrillo solidario Navalcarnero – Mar 2022
  • Donation received from L’eliana Vol (and their solidarity quilt) – Feb 2022
  • Donation received from Hotz Oñati sending an entire pallet of handmade laundry soap. – Feb 2022
  • Donation received from Guindalera Solidaria – Feb 2022
  • Donation received from Plataforma Ciudadana Pro-Refugiados del Alto Aragón – Feb 2022
  • 10 pallets of Legumbres Penelas – Feb 2022 –
  • Caudete se Mueve Container – Jan 2022

This exhibition will be inaugurated on Thursday 03 February at 19.30 h. The profits from the sale of cards will go to help the association RED SOS REFUGEES EUROPA. The exhibition will be on display for the whole month of February.

We are starting the year with very good news and in a few days we will resume the reception of containers in Athens. In these times and with these temperatures… your help is more necessary than ever.  If you are planning to make a collection, please contact us at



Colectivo sin frontetas
Ecologistas en acción
Facultad Medicina
IES Cañada de la Encina de Iniesta
IES Alto de los Molinos
Biblioteca de El Robledo
CEIP Pedro Simón Abril

Plataforma de ayuda al refugiado (PAR)

IES Pintor Rafael Requena
CEIP Alcazar y Serrano
CEIP Gloria Fuertes
CEIP El Paseo
Centro de Educacion Infantil Los Peques
Plataforna de Voluntariado
Caudete se Mueve

Plataforma feminista de Villena
Casa de cultura (KAKU)

Caritas Bañeres

Somos anti xenofobia.
Clínica de Podología y Biomecánica Miguel Ángel Antolin.

Grupo Abril
Asociacion Humanista
Crida contra el Racismo y el Fascismo

Plataforma de ayuda a personas refugiadas Sirias.
A.C.D.La Hoya
Parroquia San José
Grupo Solidario Dani Calvo

Despensa Solidaria
Huerto Carolinas
Amador Navarro Tortosa
Paula Molla Ferrandiz
Asociacion Cometas y Sonrisas

Noise to Help – Logroño y Briones

Gabonetako Azoka